Florida Legislature gives up, asks Gov. Ron DeSantis for new congressional map

Florida Legislature gives up, asks Gov. Ron DeSantis for new congressional map

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — The Florida Legislature's leaders have sent a memorandum to lawmakers Monday ahead of a special session next week saying legislative staff will not draw new congressional maps.

Instead, House Speaker Chris Sprowls and Senate President Wilton Simpson are asking Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis to give them one.

In an unprecedented move, DeSantis interjected himself into the once-a-decade process of drawing new political lines after the federal census by submitting his own congressional map.

When the Legislature didn't approve it, he vetoed the maps lawmakers sent him.

By saying it will wait for the governor, the Legislature is basically conceding the process to him.

"We are aw...

Full story at WPTV