Fired parks employee claims DEP intended to keep 'atrocious' plan secret as long as possible

Fired parks employee claims DEP intended to keep 'atrocious' plan secret as long as possible

A Florida parks planner says he was fired after plans for more active uses in state parks made headlines.

James Gaddis set up a GoFundMe page claiming he was terminated by the Department of Environmental Protection’s Office of Park Planning. He lost his job, he said, after leaking a “secret, fast-tracked plan to build golf courses, 350-room hotels, disc golf courts, and pickleball courts within critical habitats across 9 of our Florida State Parks.”

“These atrocious proposals, which were not going to be released until the day before the scheduled public meetings, have been suspended for now, and we are all feeling great about that,” Gaddis wrote.

“As a state employee and single dad working a...

Full story at Florida Politics