Palm Beach Sheriff candidate calls opponent a ‘fucking asshole’ during virtual forum

Palm Beach Sheriff candidate calls opponent a ‘fucking asshole’ during virtual forum

Palm Beach County Sheriff candidate Michael Gauger used some colorful language during an online candidates’ forum this week, calling his Republican Primary opponent a “fucking asshole” during their closing remarks.

Gauger insists he thought he was on mute at the time.

The outburst came near the end of a virtual event hosted by When We All Vote Palm Beach Voting Squad, a nonpartisan community organization dedicated to boosting voter participation.

The target of Gauger’s ire: retired Bartow Police Cpt. Lauro Diaz, who previously served with the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office.

A YouTube video of the event, timestamped below, shows Gauger — who left the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office (PBSO) in 2...

Full story at Florida Politics