Marco Rubio dodges question if he would leave Florida to be on Donald Trump's ticket

Marco Rubio dodges question if he would leave Florida to be on Donald Trump's ticket

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio dodged a question whether he’d leave Florida to be Donald Trump’s running mate.

During a live interview on Fox News Sunday, host Shannon Bream pressed Florida’s senior Senator on rumors he’s on the former President’s short list for Vice President.

“There may be a technical glitch with having two people from the same state when it comes down to an electoral college vote,” Bream noted, referencing a long-debated constitutional concern. “Would you leave the state of Florida or change your residency if you were asked to join the ticket?”

The Miami Republican changed the subject multiple times without answering yes or no to the question. Instead, he turned discussion to whet...

Full story at Florida Politics