DeSantis approves boost for home grant program to help homeowners cut insurance costs

DeSantis approves boost for home grant program to help homeowners cut insurance costs

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday approved $200 million to continue a popular home-hardening grant program that could help about 20,000 mostly low- and moderate-income residents cut property-insurance costs.

DeSantis signed two bills related to the My Safe Florida Home grant program and said he also intends to support an additional $30 million in the state budget aimed at expanding the program to include condominiums.

“There's more help on the way,” DeSantis said during a ceremonial bill-signing event at the Redington Shores Town Hall. “We understand it's been popular and it’s been effective.”

The program offers inspections and grants up to $10,000 to help residents upgrade homes and qualify fo...

Full story at NBC 6 South Florida