Ron DeSantis sees 'warning sign' for GOP in Iowa result

Ron DeSantis sees 'warning sign' for GOP in Iowa result

Ron DeSantis is waxing pessimistic about the Iowa caucuses as a bad portent for the Republican Party.

During an interview on the Hugh Hewitt Show, the Governor who spent months in the state only to get 21% and carry no counties suggested that performance was due to a larger malaise in the party.

“Clearly, when you win Iowa by the amount (Donald Trump) did, you know, that’s what you want to be doing if you’re going to win the nomination. But you know, half the Iowans voted for someone else. And the turnout was so abysmal, and I don’t think it was just the weather,” he said.

DeSantis noted that there were only “110,000 people that showed up.”

He added that “186,000 voted in 2016. But there wer...

Full story at Florida Politics