Brrr! Ron DeSantis' campaign jackets are no match for the Iowa chill

Brrr! Ron DeSantis' campaign jackets are no match for the Iowa chill

Florida’s Governor is adjusting to the blustery cold of the Hawkeye State, and he’s admitting that his campaign apparel isn’t cutting it when it comes to keeping him warm.

During an interview on KFAB Radio’s Morning News with Gary Sadlemyer, Ron DeSantis suggested he didn’t have what the host called “actual winter weather clothing” suitable for the closing stretch of the Iowa campaign.

“I mean, I got some jackets, I’ve got like a campaign sweatshirt and I can get a jacket I put over that. But I did an interview, I was in Dallas County the other day and I did an interview outside and I just had a sweatshirt on and I’m like, waiting, they’re like, ‘Oh, we’re going to go to commercial break.'”...

Full story at Florida Politics